Better Bodies Hamilton l/s WASH BLACK

Better Bodies Hamilton l/s WASH BLACK

41,95 CHF

% 69,90 CHF (39.99% gespart)

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Artikel-Nummer: 5850-23
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This is not your ordinary seamless long sleeve. The circular seamless knit construction makes the Hamilton long sleeve super soft. The blend of cotton and polyester material makes this one of our most comfortable long sleeves. Perfect to throw over your tank or t-shirt during your warm up. With its slim fit and light weight material you can even rock it throughout your workout without having to worry that it will weigh you down or get in the way of your movements. Not headed to the gym today, no worries with its fresh and sporty look it is even a great casual piece when paired with the right pants. 

Fit: Slim
Length: Regular
Material: 64% Cotton, 36% Polyester
Features: Seamless, Lightweight and soft fabric, Jacquard knitted stripes

Size guide

S = 46 cm M = 49 cm L= 52 cm XL = 55 cm XXL = 58 cm
S = 18 1/9" M = 19 2/7" L = 20 1/2" XL = 21 2/3" 

S = 70 cm M = 72 cm L = 74 cm XL = 76 cm XXL = 78 cm
S = 27 5/9" M = 28 1/3“ L = 29 1/7" XL = 30"

Größe: M
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